Welcome to the Governing Body

As a Governing Body, we set the general strategic direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop and deal with all of the challenges it faces.  This is done by setting targets and priorities, and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.

The Governing Body also acts in the role of “critical friend” and this involves monitoring and evaluating how the school is progressing.  The governors at Emmer Green have built a strong and trusting relationship with the Headteacher and staff in order to achieve this.

The Governing Body meet at least four times a year and consists of the Head Teacher, one member of staff, four parents, one local education authority representative and co-opted governors. Each governor holds office for four years.

In addition to full Governing Body meetings; Finance, Premises and Curriculum committees meet on a regular basis.

Parent governors must be parents of registered pupils at the time of election and are elected by parents of children at the school by secret ballot. All governors, especially parent governors, can be approached about any area of concern and they will ensure that these matters are discussed and parents are kept informed of any decision taken. Please note that concerns regarding any individual child must be addressed to the class teacher in the first instance.

If anyone would like to contact any member of  the Governing Body, communication can be directed via the school office.

The composition of the Governing Body as at 21st February 2024 is as follows:


Mrs Sarah Phelps-Jones and Mrs Laura Purser
Vice Chair
Mrs Andrea Grashoff
LA nominated
Mrs Andrea Grashoff

Co-opted Governors
Mrs Sarah Phelps-Jones

Mrs Tonia Crossman
Mrs Nicola Herbert
Mrs Laura Purser
Mrs Sophie Gillespie
Mrs Megan Hickman